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Parcel Pick-Up from Courier

In: Delivery Service, Kingston JMD $ 1,200.00JMD $ 1,600.00

Our bearer will collect your order on your behalf at your courier. We may also send items on behalf of you or your company. Once your order is completed you will receive email confirmation with an image of your receipt.

Please ensure the bearer is provided with the necessary service fee, which can be transferred to us via bank transfer. If you have more than one transaction, please change the order quantity to reflect the number of transactions you need completed, as the fee stated above is per transaction.



Our bearer will collect your order on your behalf at your courier. We may also send items on behalf of you or your company. Once your order is completed you will receive email confirmation with an image of your receipt.

Please ensure the bearer is provided with the necessary service fee, which can be transferred to us via bank transfer. If you have more than one transaction, please change the order quantity to reflect the number of transactions you need completed, as the fee stated above is per transaction.

Additional information


Kingston to Kingston, Kingston to Portmore, Kingston to Spanish Town, Kingston to Harbour View, Kingston to St Andrew (Uphill Locations)